Serving Deerfield families since 2017
An elected official's essential role is to listen to their constituency.
I listen. I act.
Six years ago, I ran for the position of Deerfield Township Trustee. My motivation was the disappointment I felt towards our elected officials who were not fulfilling their duties towards the electorate. I firmly believed that the community needed transparency in the decision-making process and regular engagement to regain trust in the governmental process. Since winning the election, I've actively engaged with you, listened to your concerns, and advocated for your needs. We've remained in close contact and worked together to strategize and implement improvements, resulting in significant progress. We built a new fire station (Station 59) on Butler Warren Road to safely and quickly service the fastest-growing quadrant of the township at no additional cost to Deerfield residents. We added three School Resource Officers (SRO) to KLSD to create a safer environment for your children and staff. We created a new full-time Storm Water Manager position to liaise between the township and Regional Storm Water District in addressing private property drainage concerns. We hired our first Economic Development Director to navigate challenging (re)development opportunities in our commercial business district. We saved Kingswood Park and created our township's first Open Space - Parks Zone, prioritizing green space for our children. We worked with regional partners to advance infrastructure for The District at Deerfield, an 28 acre public/private partnership located at Mason Montgomery and Parkway Drive that preserves open green space for active programming while creating a gathering space for the community, located at the corner of Mason Montgomery Road and Parkway Drive. We began a multi-year infrastructure project in the historic hamlet of Kings Mills, including road, curb, gutter, and sewer improvements. We installed AED devices and bleed kits in 12 public locations around the township to increase life-saving options while help arrives. We had numerous face-to-face meetings between developers and residents. These meetings aimed to address any concerns the residents may have had and to provide answers to questions from the proposed developers. I love Deerfield Township and the families that call it home. I attribute the success of the list above to my attentive listening and understanding that you are the experts on what enhances your quality of life. To view a comprehensive list of our accomplishments during my time in office, please click on the "Focus Area" button. Please Vote for Lelle on November 7th.


CONFIRMED. FOUR SHBBs are coming to DT in 2024!

Trustee Malhotra and Trustee Seitz; a cohesive and well-balanced BOT.

As your trustee, it is vital that I listen to your school safety concerns, and work side by side with community partners Sheriff Sims and Superintendent Sears (KLSD). When KLSD asked for additional School Resource Officers (SRO) it was an easy YES. We love our schools and take great pride in assisting our families. It will always be a priority to keep our children and staff safe at school.

When you have the chance to talk with the Lt. Gov., you take it. I am not shy about meeting our state elected officials to advocate for my residents and businesses.

I was thrilled to host an Open House for our Kerrisdale community. We built Station 59 to service this community in north Deerfield. I was happy to make sure they knew this house was theirs!

Benchmark has relocated locations 3x in DT. Thanks for staying in DT!

Honoring Ms. Roberts' contribution to the township parks system.

Teaching 11th-grade government class at KLSD. These 11th graders know about the importance of local government in their everyday quality of life now!

It's a pleasure to see you so happy, Deerfield, and this event brings you much happiness. Raise your hand if you are looking forward to August 2024's Pops concert!
Deerfield in the News
Focus Areas
Since I became a trustee: * Built Station 59 in northwest Deerfield with no tax increase for residents. * Proactively transitioned part-time firefighters to full-time firefighters to address national fire service shortage. * Maintained a six-minute response from the fire station to incident. * Applied and received $6 million in grants to stabilize the Fire Fund and offset rising labor costs. * Improved and updated technology that add 30 extra seconds to dispatch time. * Installed preemptive signal devices at all intersections to increase response time and safety for the public. * Successfully negotiated two labor contacts saving taxpayer money. * Continue reciprocal aid to neighboring municipalities. * Installed AED devices in 12 public locations. * Offered free CPR courses to residents. * Offer free public meeting spaces.
Planning & Zoning
Since I became a trustee: * Increased the Public Notice on Zoning Cases from 500 ft. to 1000 ft., creating a much larger area for resident outreach about proposed zoning changes on nearby properties and generating more public involvement. * Created the township's first Open Space Parks (OS-P) Zone to protect the township's parks from development. *Facilitated many in-person meetings between developers and residents to hear resident's concerns and answer questions from the proposed developer: 1) former golf range on Columbia and Landen neighbors, 2) Cedar Village Drive development and Deerfield Villiage residents, 3) Losh Landing development and Rosemont South residents. * Updated our township's Comprehensive Plan with community stakeholders to establish guidelines and goals that provide structure and predictability for future development in the township. * Initiated Route 22/3 Corridor Study allowing the township proper time to study the corridor and evaluate the types of public infrastructure, building improvements, and land uses while making amendments to the Deerfield Township Zoning Resolution and Zoning Map that align with the 2022 Comprehensive Plan (Comp Plan) on June 21, 2022. "If you were empowered with information in advance, would you be more likely to get involved with the developer next door? Do you think a trustee can be informative? Can a trustee foster an environment of protecting the rights of the citizens already living in the township? Can a trustee listen to your concerns about over-development when updating the Comprehensive Plan? Can a trustee help figure out resources for stormwater management? Can a trustee do all these things? Yes, and I will." - from my Facebook page, 2017
Since I became a trustee: * Added 3 School Resource Officers (SRO) in the KLSD. *Increased funding to the Warren County Drug Task Force to $100K annually. *Replaced our cruiser fleet to be more sustainable in the future. * Upgraded the cruisers' CAD communication system – the computer inside the cruisers. * Added permanent radar signs on Kings Avenue and Irwin-Simpson. *Added quarterly Women's Self Defense Classes.
Economic Development
Since I became a trustee: * Fought to keep small businesses open safely during shutdown. * Worked with regional partners to advance infrastructure for The District at Deerfield, a 28 acres public/private partnership located at Mason Montgomery and Parkway Drive, that preserves open green space for active programming while creating a gathering space for the community, located at the corner of Mason Montgomery Road and Parkway Drive. * Hired the township's first Economic Development Director to recruit, retain, and redevelop businesses in our thriving business district. * Updated the Economic Development Strategic Action Plan to align with the vision and goals of the township's Comprehension Plan (2019). * Approved the creation of a Community Improvement—Corporation (CIC) to manage economic redevelopment activities. * Establishment of a business relocation assistance grant for our office park to attract new businesses through our CIC. * Worked with businesses, developers, and regional and state partners to identify an applicable incentive, grant, or loan program that would benefit business relations, expansion, or retention. * Approved township's first DORA for the Deerfield Towne Center. * Hosted small businesses meetings with Congressman Chabot * Created a "Staycation" program during Covid to incentivize money spent locally.
Public Works
Since I became a trustee: * Consolidation of service employees into one department to improve efficiency. * Partnered with the Landen CSA to construct a large retention basin on Irwin-Simpson road to help alleviate flooding in Landen. * Created a new full-time Storm Water Manager position to work as a liaison between the Township and Regional Storm Water District in addressing private property drainage concerns. * Implemented a sidewalk repair/replacement program, which now enables the township to manage and fund those repairs instead of residents. * Increased our annual roadway resurfacing program by 20% to add additional roadway miles to be maintained each year. * Hosted many students from local schools at our Public Works Complex annually to teach about the trades. * Successfully received over $5 million in infrastructure grants.
Parks & Rec.
Since I became a trustee: * Create the township's first Open Space Parks Zoning Code. * Completed Parks Master Plan. * Brought the Cincinnati POPS Orchestra to Cottell Park. * Increase park activities, camps, and special events through The Arts Alliance. * Replaced playground at Schappacher Park. * Expand the dog park at Schappacher Park. * Installed a new playground and Ninja course at Kingswood Park. * Repurposed existing building as a new community center at Kingswood Park. * Partnered with Ohio River Foundation to remove invasive species at Kingswood Park * Partnered with Cincinnati Nature Center to create pollinator gardens and prairies. * Built a permenant pavillion at Kingswood Park. * Added a rain garden with community sponsorships at Roberts Park. * Added parking lot at Roberts Park. * Connected more walking trails at Roberts Park to surrounding neighborhoods. * Planted donated trees from Duke Energy at Roberts Park. * Installed donated benches at Roberts Park. * Updated all playground surfaces at Cottell Park. * New shade structures at Cottell Park. * Continue ball field improvements with new fencing.
Since I became a trustee: * Operating budgets have remained revenue over expenses. * Funds are balanced to ensure sustainability in finances. * Consistintely seeking outside funding, grants, and partnerships to keep cost for capital projects low for our taxpayers. * Two back-to- back Auditor of State Awards (2021, 2022). * Began making investments with certain cash reserves, to create new revenue streams, enabling us to keep taxes low in conjunction with our Fiscal Office and Public Investment Advisory Committee. * Increased commercial development revenue significantly.